Research of the physical-mechanical properties of wool fibers by carrying out full-factorial experiment


  • T. Kuliev
  • D. Sobirov



full-factorial experiment, input parameter, output parameter, specific elongation at break, tensile strength, regression coefficient, quality of wool fiber, cochran's criterion, student's criterion


The scientific article covers a full-factorial experiment that has been carried out in order to evaluate the quality indicators of wool fibers stored, sorted and washed at different times and conditions. In addition, regression equations are presented based on input and output factors when processing the results of the experiment on quality indicators of the wool fiber. The speed of the opening roller, the fiber transfer distance and the speed of the fiber regulator were taken as the input factors. The tensile strength of the wool fiber, the relative elongation of the fiber at break, the mass of the separated fiber and the falling time of the fiber were taken as the output factors.

Author Biographies

T. Kuliev

Takhir Kuliev, General Director of "Cotton Industry Scientific Center" JSC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

D. Sobirov

Daniyor Sobirov, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan


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Nazarova M.A., Kayumov J.A. Increasing the scale of the use of coarse wool based on the analysis of wool fibers. Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering” modern problems in the innovative development of Science, Education and production " international-scientific practical conference (2020).

Wool is the word wool. Week 2017 in London once again served up a vibrant, modern, sustainable fusion of wool to support the industry. Wool review: International wool textile organization. 2017; 2: 25-27.

Kuliev T. M., Sobirov D. Kh., Atanafasov M. R. Theoretical analysis of processing of wool fibers under the influence of moving rollers. Ekonomika i sosium. 2024; 3(118).

Abrorov A. et al. Mathematical model of hardening the disk-shaped saw teeth with laser beams. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022; 2373: 022021. DOI:

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Sobirov D. X., Quliyev T. M., Qulmetov M., Atanafasov M. R. Valiklar ta’sirida hosil bo‘ladigan tashqi kuchlarni jun tolalariga ta’sirning tahlili. Ekonomika i sosium. 2024; 3(118).

Abrorov A. et al. Computational analysis of multivariant physical and mechanical experiments on laser hardening of gin disc saws. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023; 2573: 012038. DOI:

Kuliev T. M., Sobirov D.Kh., Sapaev R.A., Rakhimova G.P., Atanafasov M.R. Theory of motion analysis of wool fibers under the action of pinching rollers. Current problems of modern science, education and education (electronic scientific collection). 2024; 2: 62-67.



How to Cite

Kuliev , T., & Sobirov, D. (2024). Research of the physical-mechanical properties of wool fibers by carrying out full-factorial experiment. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(2), 0301–0313.



Physics, mathematics and mechanics.