Direct reduction of crushed iron-manganese ore in a hydrogen environment




Direct reduction, crushed iron-manganese ore, hydrogen medium, crushing, X-ray spectral analysis.


The crushing and grinding of samples, as well as the reduction of ground ore in a hydrogen environment, were carried out. X-ray spectral analysis showed that the ore contains 4 main elements and meets the requirements of GOST for the content of harmful impurities. After the reduction of the ore, the oxygen content decreased by 3%, and the iron content increased with an increase in the particle size class. Oxidation of ore material increases with decreasing particle size.

Author Biographies

P. P. Tarasov, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk, Russia

Petr Tarasov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Physics of Materials and Welding Technology, Physicotechnical Institute, NEFU. M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk, Russia

B. Yu. Pryadeznikov, I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia

Boris Pryadeznikov, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials SmartTextiles, International Research Center "RO", IKBFU I. Kant, Kaliningrad, Russia

A. A. Pryadeznikova, I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia

Ailita Pryadeznikova, Analyst, SmartTextiles Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials, International Research Center "RO", IKBFU I. Kant, Kaliningrad, Russia

P. P. Petrov, Institute of Physical and Technical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.P. Larionov SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia

Petr Petrov, Candidate of Physical       and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, IFTPS SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia

I. I. Bekyanov, MBOU "Ozhulunskaya secondary school", Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Churapchinsky ulus, Dyabyla, Russia

Innokenty Bekyanov, director, MBOU "Ozhulunskaya secondary school", Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Churapchinsky ulus, Dyabyla, Russia


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How to Cite

Tarasov, P. P., Pryadeznikov, B. Y., Pryadeznikova, A. A., Petrov, P. P., & Bekyanov, I. I. (2023). Direct reduction of crushed iron-manganese ore in a hydrogen environment . Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 3(2), 0313–0321.



Geosciences, chemistry and chemical technology