The problem of the lack of a unified reference application for the labeling system of medicines




Chestny ZNAK, labeling, medicines, drug movement monitoring system, 1C, instructions, support


A few years ago, an experiment on the labeling of medicines began in Russia. The rapid development of this experiment forced participants in the circulation of medicines to face a number of difficulties. This is caused by ignorance of the order of interaction with the marking system, as well as failures or errors that occur from time to time. As a result of the described events, several companies faced a huge flow of calls to the support service specialists, which created a problem for users with atypical questions. The article provides a description of this problem, and also considers the problem of the lack of a single reference application that collects most of the most common questions received by support specialists. A review of analogues that can claim the role of this help system is carried out, and a conclusion is made about the need to develop a new help system. A platform, main blocks and the principle of interaction are proposed for it. In addition, the article demonstrates the algorithm for interacting with this reference application, presents «as is» and «to be» sequence diagrams, which show a clear division of the questioners into two groups, which will significantly reduce the burden on specialists. A Gantt chart has been constructed, demonstrating that the terms for designing and developing this reference system are generally insignificant. In addition, a prototype of this application has been developed that can reflect all the described blocks and functions of the system. It is concluded that such a system is necessary and useful both in the area under consideration and in other areas where mass user support is required.

Author Biography

A. V. Uzhentseva

Anastasiya V. Uzhentseva, master of science, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science (SibSUTIS), 86, Kirov St, Novosibirsk, 630102, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Uzhentseva, A. V. (2024). The problem of the lack of a unified reference application for the labeling system of medicines. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(3), 0134–0145.



IT and informatics