Static balancing of steel inter-saw gaskets


  • D. M. Mukhammadiev
  • F. Kh. Ibragimov
  • O. Kh. Abzoirov
  • N. K. Zhumaev
  • L. Yu. Zhamolova



saw cylinder, inter-saw gasket, welded steel belt, St3, electric arc welding, kempi, imbalance, static balancing, centrifugal force, hole diameter


The results of calculations of static balancing of steel inter-saw gaskets for cotton gins are presented in this article. For manufacturing of steel inter-saw gaskets, a welded connection for the belts is used, which leads to an imbalance of the gaskets. To statically balance of inter-saw gaskets are removing the mass mk =-6,3×10-4 kg from two holes with a diameter of 13.2 mm for a single-strap, and the same removing up to mk =-1,044×10-3 kg for a double-strap with a diameter of 11.85 mm. The above-mentioned calculation results are allowed to establish of static balancing of steel inter-saw gaskets of single- and double-belt designs which intended for shafts with larger and smaller diameters.

Author Biographies

D. M. Mukhammadiev

Davlat Mukhammadiev, DrScie, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

F. Kh. Ibragimov

Farkhod Ibragimov, Senior Researcher, of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

O. Kh. Abzoirov

Ortik Abzoirov, Senior Researcher, of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

N. K. Zhumaev

Nizomiddin Zhumaev, Junior Researcher, of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

L. Yu. Zhamolova

Lola Zhamolova, Associate professor, Tashkent state agrarian university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

Mukhammadiev, D. M., Ibragimov, F. K., Abzoirov, O. K., Zhumaev, N. K., & Zhamolova, L. Y. (2024). Static balancing of steel inter-saw gaskets. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(1), 0401–0408.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Mechanical engineering, metallurgy and materials science