Analysis of technologies for using the CE20 UAV as part of unmanned aerial plant protection systems




unmanned aircraft system, UAV, technology, analysis.


The article presents an analysis of the use of the CE20 UAV as part of unmanned aerial plant protection systems. The relevance of the study is determined by the intensive development of modern unmanned technologies for plant protection. At the same time, the characteristics of the UAVs used significantly affect the efficiency of using these systems in precision agriculture. The article discusses the CE20 UAV manufactured by Wuxi Hanhe Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., China. The presented analysis of the use of the CE20 UAV as part of unmanned aerial plant protection systems made it possible to identify the main technical characteristics of the UAV and their relationship with agrotechnological techniques. This, in turn, provides effective technical support for applications of unmanned aerial crop protection systems in precision agriculture. The results of UAV test flights for a given field processing strip are presented. Spray efficiency was studied. It is noted that parameters such as droplet deposition uniformity and droplet penetration speed are closely related and depend on the UAV parameters. It is noted that in cases where other types of UAVs are used, it is necessary to perform systematic experiments to determine the optimal combinations of parameters.

Author Biographies

D. I. Kovalev

Dmitry Kovalev, graduate student, Department of Information Technologies and Mathematical Support of Information Systems, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

K. D. Astanakulov

Komil Astanakulov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

I. V. Kovalev

Igor Kovalev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


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Xue X., Lan Y., Sun Z., Chang C., Hoffmann W. Develop an unmanned aerial vehicle based automatic aerial spraying system. Comput. Electron. Agric. 2016; 128: 58-66. DOI:

Huang C., Jiang Y., Wu J., Qiu K., Yang J. Occurrence and characteristics and reason analysis of wheat head blight in 2018 in China. Plant Prot. 2019; 4: 160-163.

Chen P., Lan Y., Huang X., Qi H., Wang G., Wang J., Wang L., Xiao H. Droplet deposition and control of planthoppers of different nozzles in two-stage rice with a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle. Agronomy. 2020; 10: 303. DOI:

Qin W., Xue X., Zhang S., Gu W., Wang B. Droplet deposition and efficiency of fungicides sprayed with small UAV against wheat powdery mildew. Int. J. Agric. Biol. Eng. 2018; 11: 27-32. DOI:

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Zhang S., Qiu B., Xue X., Sun T., Peng B. Parameters optimization of crop protection UAS based on the first industry standard of China. Int. J. Agric. Biol. Eng. 2020; 13: 29-35. DOI:

Meng Y., Su J., Song J., Chen W., Lan Y. Experimental evaluation of UAV spraying for peach trees of different shapes: Effects of operational parameters on droplet distribution. Comput. Electron. Agric. 2020; 170: 105282. DOI:

Chen S., Lan Y., Li J., Zhou Z., Liu A., Mao Y. Effect of wind field below unmanned helicopter on droplet deposition distribution of aerial spraying. Int. J. Agric. Biol. Eng. 2017; 10: 67-77.

Li J., Shi Y., Lan Y., Guo S. Vertical distribution and vortex structure of rotor wind field under the influence of rice canopy. Comput. Electron. Agric. 2019; 159: 140-146. DOI:



How to Cite

Kovalev, D. I., Astanakulov, K. D., & Kovalev, I. V. (2024). Analysis of technologies for using the CE20 UAV as part of unmanned aerial plant protection systems. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(1), 0301–0311.

Conference Proceedings Volume


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