Biometric data: new opportunities and risks




biometric data, personal data protection, risks, opportunities, protection methods, multifactor authentication, falsification, leakage, usage control, personal information.


The issues of personal data protection when using biometric technologies are considered, since regardless of whether a fingertip, face or iris is scanned, the information collected is personal information about the identified person. New possibilities of biometrics and its application in different spheres of life such as finance, medicine, security, etc. are analyzed. The most common example of biometrics is the photograph used in a passport, driver's license or medical card. Simply put, an image of a person's face is captured and stored in order to later compare it to another photo or to a living person. The article also covers the risks associated with the use of biometric data, such as the possibility of leakage, falsification and misuse not only in a centralized mechanism of access to various facilities, but also at each individual access point. Methods for protecting biometric data such as encryption and the use of multi-factor or two-factor authentication are presented. Recommendations are given for protecting personal information and controlling its use when deploying any technology or service that utilizes biometrics.

Author Biography

I. N. Kartsan

Igor Kartsan, Dr. Sc., Docent, Leading Researcher, Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia


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How to Cite

Kartsan, I. N. (2023). Biometric data: new opportunities and risks . Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 3(3), 0201–0211.

Conference Proceedings Volume


IT and informatics